Monday, June 13, 2011

Better Laid Plans

How does one choose between their teachings and their desires?

That is the question that plagues me every day of my existence just about.

Yes, I love kids. Yes, I love helping people.


No, I do not love being a therapist.

No, I do not love being cooped up in a room all day.

I need air.

I need creativity.

I need movement.

Yes, if I follow through with this route, there is potential in me doing doing what I set out to do.

But haven't I already accomplished what I set out to do anyways?

I came here to figure out how something like thatcould have happened to me.

And I have figured it out.

But things happened during that process that I had never thought possible.

I found myself.

I realized what creativity I had within me.

I recognized the pull that I had towards beautiful things of old.

Towards making people happy by pleasing their stomachs and taste buds.

I became more me than I ever thought possible.

So....which one wins out? Rational thinking or the obsure and unknown?

Please tell me the latter.