Saturday, March 26, 2011


Rest assured, this is not some emotional diatribe on my heart being a wreck. I would defintely not go so far as to calling it a wreck. A fender-bender for sure though.

A while back I gushed on here about a specific guy coming back into my life. This is where I gush about his exit out. Except, I'm not going to gush.

What I'm going to say, is the reality is, by his grand exit, I can go back to becoming my grand self. Maybe that sounds selfish, but that's probably what I truly need in all actuality. Yes, relationships are grand in their own regard, but let's be honest......relationships are a pain in the ass. No negative Nancy here....I'm just saying that when you are involved in a relationship, the focus (hopefully) naturally is taken off of you solely. As it should be. But when you have 365 days of excellence layed out before you.....why do you really want to get mixed up in something that doesn't allow you to fully focus on those goals? I'm not even going to get into the mangled mess of me saying that I just need to find a person that I can have those 365 days of excellence to achieve my 28 goals because that is not my point here. My point IS that relationships can be a pain in the ass.

Now for the big moments of the day.......

I did the 10K today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not going to lie.....I didn't know all that great. In fact, I walked probably 5.9 miles and ran for .3. But I just kept telling myself that while I was out there even walking those 6 miles, over a hundred thousand people in my town were NOT doing it!

Thanks to my GREAT friend Jacqueline for doing it with me......she could have passed me up and left me all by my lonesome, but she was a great supporter and kept me going through it all!

Here are a few pictures:
Before I even left the house this morning!

Us before the run!

My first ever paper number thing! hahaha......what the heck should it actually be called?

Sexy Jac!

And the after effect!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for getting me to step out of my box, in getting our marathon V-cards taken away:) You were awesome! I look forward to all our adventures to come...
