Tuesday, February 15, 2011

...And she's back in the game!

Due to a 4-5 day hiatus due to mourning, I have not written, other than the over-emotional blog from the other day. However, I did work out on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. So truly it was just a 2 day hiatus from exercise. Yesterday I should have worked out....but let's be honest. It was Valentine's and I was being one giant whiner-bug. So much so that my plans for the night were to get wine-drunk, eat a whole pizza, and.....sadly, clean my house. Haha....I got 2 pieces of pizza eaten and took me about 4 hours to drink ONE GLASS of wine. However, I did get the house a great deal cleaner. But I was not going to be the one lonely soul in the world at the gym on Valentine's night. Nosirree.

Last week's weight watcher meeting was about emotional eating. Ha....the food god decided to throw me for a curve and make me deal with that for the whole weight watchers week. I refuse to even step on the scale right now. REFUSE!!!

I am a few days behind on my running plan. Today I did 4 sets of 3 minutes running followed by 1 minute walking, then 4 1x1's. I stopped trying to be such a hard ass (yes, this is my blog, I can use words like hard ass - especially when it comes to things like working out) and set my incline today at 0 in hopes of my knee not hurting. And it worked actually! AND my new shoes didn't hurt at all nearly this time! Woot!

When I first started running today, it was almost as if my mind (and maybe the treadmill) could not keep up with how fast my body wanted to move. It felt awesome!

Altogether, I worked out for a little over an hour today. I worked out on the eliptical, machines, treadmill, and the stationary bike at the very end. Total, I burned just over 500 calories. Yay --- after this last week I need those gone!!!

Here's a picture after I was done on the treadmill....

And for your viewing pleasure, my nastiness once I got done working out today.....really liking my new Underarmor top though and my new shoes!

And yes, that is a sweat stain under by boobs......how I'd love to work those things off to the point of near non-existence!!! And no, you may not comment on the status of how that room looks.

Anyways....I am off to one of my other favorite places, the shower, then to Target and Academy and maybe Kohl's to look at workout clothes.....yes, I am becoming one of those people Jacqueline!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am glad we now share another similar vice:) Love the new pants! I want some! LOL!
