Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Disclaimer: I am sure that the reason that what I am about to tell you is due to the fact that I had just worked off 400 calories. Nonetheless, it was a great moment.

I went to the gym this morning and did 8 sets of 2x1's. My body was not feeling all that limber, but I got it done. Luckily I was smart today and started taking a water bottle with me instead of waiting until I was done with my run to drink. Points for Kelsey. And yes, I did burn right at 400 calories with 36 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the eliptical. I would have stayed longer....but....well.....I had to go to the bathroom. That's all I will say there because it is making me squirm that I even mentioned it.

Anyways, as I was driving home (also, I need to start just walking my happy little toosh to the gym....I'm being ridiculous and not being earth friendly) I thought to myself "I can't wait until I'm in the 1_0's." (I'm not yet at a place of comfort of being able to expose my current weight.....so don't take it offensively that I will not disclose that to you people!)

Well after I had thought that, I went home, and weighed. And the number in the 10's place was the number I had just been thinking about!! haha, no I did not mysteriously lose 30 pounds or anything like that. The number I was thinking about was just 1 digit down from what it had been previously. But still, it sure as heck felt good! So tomorrow at weigh in I am sure it will not show that.....but I saw it today and that is all that matters!!

The other piece of big news that I forgot to mention yesterday is that on Sunday my brother texted me and asked if I wanted to do another 10K with him in May. We decided that we would look for one that had something to do with benefitiing heart health, and do it in honor of my grandpa. Yesterday he let me know that two of my cousins want to do it with us. Two 10K's in the first 6 months of a year? Is this really the Kelsey I know?!?! Hell no, it's a better version!!

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