Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Last Day of being 26!

With today being my last day at age 26, I feel like I need to do something special. Hopefully that does not just consist of me going to Starbucks for the next 2.5 hours and reading about Sex Therapy. I think I am going to take myself out for lunch though.....I really feel as if year 26 has been my segway into my real life. For quite a while now, I have felt like year 27 is really going to mean something for me. Tomrorow is the starting point of confirming whether or not I was correct.

I will note that it is just shy of 10am, and I have already been to the gym, and showered and blow dryed my hair. So I was up and at 'em pretty early today. I began the part of the running routine where I run for 2 minutes, walk for 1, for 5 times, then do 5 1x1's. It was not nearly as difficult as I thought. Haha, except for I lost track of how many 1x1's I had actually done at the end, and nearly lost my balance trying to transition from walking to running while thinking so hard. I started out today on the elipitical to warm up, burning 100 calories. Then I started my 40 minute stint on the treadmill. At the end of that, I had burned 326 calories and had gone for a distance of 2.55 miles.

And some bad news. Though it does not really affect anything seriously, and only affects the blog as to not being able to put up quality pictures for a while longer. The order for my computer for my birthday got lost somewhere in cyberspace. So now, the computer that was supposed to arrive by Jan. 28th is not supposed to arrive until March 2. Can you see my smiling face from your screen? Didn't think so.

Caramel Macchiato time!! Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Friend:) I have no doubt that 27 will be a memorable year!
